Vessel Details - PROGRESO - Currently Listed

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Previously called CHAINAVEE 54 and flagged to Thailand. In January and February 2017 this vessel was identified on AIS, alongside 5 other vessels, transiting through the Indian Ocean on course to Djibouti and Puntland. Throughout this voyage, all 6 vessels shifted between displaying Thailand and Djibouti details on AIS. All 6 vessels, including CHAINAVEE 54 were observed on AIS trawl fishing within the Somalia EEZ between March and May 2017. Trawl fishing was prohibited by Somali law and Puntland at the time. The other fishing vessels included the then called CHAICHANACHOKE 8, CHAINAVEE 55 and the SUPPHERMNAVEE 21. In their operations, the vessels were supported by the fish carrier vessel WISDOM SEA REEFER. After subsequent alerts and analysis support through the FISH-i Africa network, the state of Somalia deemed the operations of the vessels as IUU fishing. During the meeting of the IOTC Compliance Committee in 2018, the CHAINAVEE 54, along with the CHAICHANACHOKE 8, CHAINAVEE 55, SUPPHERMNAVEE 21 and the WISDOM SEA REEFER, were included in the IOTC IUU list. According to several sources, the vessel changed flag to Somalia and was renamed AL WESAM 5 in 2018 and renamed to PROGRESO and reflagged to Cameroon in June 2020.
Fishing Vessel, Stern Trawler
Unknown, Trawl unspecified
384.050, 384.000
Marine Renown SARL

Commercial History

Name History

From To Name
2020-06-26 PROGRESO
2017-12-28 ALWESAM 5, AL WESAM 5
2017 LONGXING621

Flag History

From To Flag
2020-06-26 Cameroon
2017-12-28 Somalia
2017-06-01 Unknown
2016-08-19 Djibouti

Owner History

From To Owner
Marine Renown SARL

Operator History

From To Operator

IRCS History

From To IRCS
2020-06-26 TJMC30
2017-02-02 HS5447

National Reg No

From To Reg.No

RFMO History

RFMO Status Date listed Reason Delisted Delisted Reason
GFCM IUU Listed 2023-11-10 Cross-listing
NAFO IUU Listed 2023-10-11 Cross-listing
CCSBT IUU Listed 2020-02-26 Cross-listing
SIOFA IUU Listed 2020 Cross-listing
ICCAT IUU Listed 2018-06-06 Cross-listing
NEAFC IUU Listed 2018-05 Cross-listing
IOTC IUU Listed 2018-05 Contravention of IOTC Resolution 17/03

* Supporting documentation available on request