This vessel was included in the CCAMLR contracting party IUU vessel list in 2021 for fishing inside a closed area (Subarea 58.7) between 26 May 2015-08 Aug 2015 and 06 May 2016–22 Jun 2016. Vessel was named EL SHADDAI, owned/operated by Braxton Security Services CC and flagged to South Africa at the time of IUU activity and IUU listing. The vessel has held CCAMLR authorisation since 2012 and has been owned by Braxton Security Services CC since it was flagged to South Africa in 2009. This vessel was included in the SIOFA draft IUU vessel list in November 2020 due to fishing for fishery resources in the SIOFA Agreement Area without SIOFA authorisation. VMS logs from this vessel were analysed by the European Union and showed this vessel operated in the SIOFA area for 67 days and caught 66 tons of Patagonian toothfish. The SIOFA Compliance Committee was unable to reach consensus to include the EL SHADDAI on the provisional IUU vessel list or to remove this vessel from the draft IUU list in the July 2021 meeting.