Vessel Details - EL SHADDAI - Currently Listed

Contact us about this vessel


This vessel was included in the CCAMLR contracting party IUU vessel list in 2021 for fishing inside a closed area (Subarea 58.7) between 26 May 2015-08 Aug 2015 and 06 May 2016–22 Jun 2016. Vessel was named EL SHADDAI, owned/operated by Braxton Security Services CC and flagged to South Africa at the time of IUU activity and IUU listing. The vessel has held CCAMLR authorisation since 2012 and has been owned by Braxton Security Services CC since it was flagged to South Africa in 2009. This vessel was included in the SIOFA draft IUU vessel list in November 2020 due to fishing for fishery resources in the SIOFA Agreement Area without SIOFA authorisation. VMS logs from this vessel were analysed by the European Union and showed this vessel operated in the SIOFA area for 67 days and caught 66 tons of Patagonian toothfish. The SIOFA Compliance Committee was unable to reach consensus to include the EL SHADDAI on the provisional IUU vessel list or to remove this vessel from the draft IUU list in the July 2021 meeting.
Fishing Vessel
Demersal longline
South Africa
571.000, 635.900, 635.000, 636.000
1980, 198102
Kochi, Kochi, Japan
Braxton Security Services CC
Braxton Security Services CC
Durban, South Africa
In Service/commission

Commercial History

Name History

From To Name
2009-08-01 EL SHADDAI
1996 2009-08-01 BANZARE
1994 1996 STELLER NO. 88

Flag History

From To Flag
2007-04 South Africa
1997-01-01 2007-04 Uruguay
1996 1997-01-01 Panama
1993-09 1996 St. Vincent and the Grenadines
1993-09 Japan

Owner History

From To Owner
2009-08-01 Braxton Security Services CC
1997-01-01 2009-08-01 Elpriths S.A.
1996 1997-01-01 Rptd Sold Undisclosed Interest
1996 Katsuko Sakata

Operator History

From To Operator
2009-08-01 Braxton Security Services CC
2009-08-01 Elpriths S.A.

IRCS History

From To IRCS
2009-08-01 ZR6358
2009-08-01 CXOE

National Reg No

From To Reg.No
2017-11-22 N467
2015-04-17 2017-11-22 21014
2015-04-17 N467

RFMO History

RFMO Status Date listed Reason Delisted Delisted Reason
GFCM IUU Listed 2023-11-10 Cross-listing
NAFO IUU Listed 2023-10-11 Cross-listing
IOTC IUU Listed 2023-05-10 Cross-listing
IOTC IUU Listed 2022-02-26 Cross-listing
CCSBT IUU Listed 2022-01-18 Cross-listing
SEAFO IUU Listed 2021 Cross-listing
NEAFC IUU Listed 2021 Cross-listing
SIOFA IUU Listed 2020-07-08 Engaged in fishing for fishery resources in the SIOFA Agreement Area and was not on the SIOFA Record of Authorized Vessels.
ICCAT Delisted 2021-12-18 Cross-listing 2025-02-27
CCAMLR Delisted 2021 Fishing inside a closed area (Subarea 58.7) (26 May – 08 Aug 2015 and 06 May – 22 Jun 2016) (26 May 2015) 2024-10-31

Last position

Last observed: 2022-01-01 - Observation is older than 3 months.

* Supporting documentation available on request