While LU RONG YUAN YU 105 is registered as one purse seine vessel in the NPFC list, two vessels with the identical name but different vessel types were seen operating in the NPFC Convention Area. LU RONG YUAN YU 105 was seen at 42˚27'N, 152˚ 5.8'E on 11 Oct 2016 operating lift nets. LU RONG YUAN YU 105 was seen at 41˚54.8'N, 151˚17.4'E on 5 September 2016 using a stern trawl. Images taken at the time show port of Shidao displayed on the vessels. This vessel was included in the NPFC IUU list on 13 November 2017. NPFC considers any vessel using the name LU RONG YUAN YU 105 to be operating illegally. The MMSI provided by NPFC for the IUU listed trawler has transmitted both the historic (LU RONG YUAN YU 105) and current (LU RONG YUAN YU 813) names of IMO 8798134, and the photo of the IUU listed vessel also appears to be a match for available photos of IMO 8798134, thus these are considered highly likely to be the same vessel