Vessel Details - VACHANAM - Delisted

Contact us about this vessel


Inspections of this vessel by the British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT) patrol vessel “Pacific Marlin” (BPV) on the 3 May 2015 found this vessel was fishing without a license in BIOT waters (05˚ 16.7S’; 071.44.1’E), had tuna like species on board and was in possession of prohibited fishing gear. Vessel was ordered to sail to Diego Garcia port. Vessel owner, Satrin T, was found guilty of offences in BIOT court on 27 May 2015 and fined £30,000 for fishing without a license and £4,000 for possessing prohibited gear. Vessel owner failed to pay fine within 30 days. Vessel was included in IOTC IUU list in May 2017 and delisted in June 2019. Vessel was flagged to India at the time of IUU listing.
Fishing Vessel
Gillnets, Longline
Satrin T

Commercial History

Name History

From To Name

Flag History

From To Flag

Owner History

From To Owner
Satrin T

Operator History

From To Operator

IRCS History

From To IRCS

National Reg No

From To Reg.No

RFMO History

RFMO Status Date listed Reason Delisted Delisted Reason
ICCAT Delisted 2017-07-15 Following IOTC 2019
IOTC Delisted 2017-05 Fishing without a license and use of prohibited gear in the waters of the UK (OT) 2019-06

* Supporting documentation available on request