Vessel Details - ARARAT/RESHMITHA - Currently Listed

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This vessel was inspected by BIOT authorities on 5 March 2021. Inspection found the vessel was fishing illegally without a license within BIOT waters. The vessel had longline gear in the water and upon hauling in gear, Inspection staff observed that the catch included sharks. This vessel was requested to follow the patrol vessel to the BIOT EEZ boundary and return to port in India but failed to comply with instructions. After investigation by Tamil Nadu authorities into IUU fishing in BIOT waters, this vessel received a penalty of INR 1,000,000. This vessel was included in the IUU list on 9 June 2021 for unauthorised fishing in the IOTC Convention Area.
IND-TN-15- MM8297
Fishing Vessel

Commercial History

Name History

From To Name

Flag History

From To Flag

Owner History

From To Owner

Operator History

From To Operator

IRCS History

From To IRCS

National Reg No

From To Reg.No
IND-TN-15- MM8297

RFMO History

RFMO Status Date listed Reason Delisted Delisted Reason
GFCM IUU Listed 2023-11-10 Cross-listing
NAFO IUU Listed 2023-10-11 Cross-listing
SIOFA IUU Listed 2022-03-04 Cross-listing
CCSBT IUU Listed 2021-07-12 Cross-listing
IOTC IUU Listed 2021-06-09 Vessel was not on the IOTC list of Authorised Fishing Vessels. The vessel had not submitted a transit reporting form to the BIOT Authorities. The vessel had gear (longlines) in the water.
NEAFC IUU Listed 2021-06 Cross-listing

* Supporting documentation available on request