Vessel Details - JINZHANG - Currently Listed

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Listed as RAY by SEAFO. The official number of the ship was updated in IHSF May 2011 to EG-968999, indicating the ship was still in the Equatorial Guinea register. Identified in Luanda May and June 2012. Left Luanda 8 June 2012. Fished in International waters June 2012 under official number, Belize: 011221810 120301: Vessel AIS saying VESSEL NAME RAY and FLAG BELIZE 120309: GT change from 494 to 866. Subsequently deregistered by Belize. Unconfirmed information indicates the vessel called into Conakry, Guinea in November 2015, and then departed heading south. An AIS signal indicated that the vessel entered Freetown, Sierra Leone 24 March 2016 however a patrol by the local authority could not identify a fishing vessel in the location of the AIS signal. There is a possibility that the AIS transponder from RAY has now been passed on to another vessel but the information has not been updated. Two vessels are now broadcasting on AIS with the same MMSI 312451000 – RAY (or another vessel carrying RAY’s transponder) and the cargo vessel LISA, IMO 9128013, operating in the Black Sea. Identified anchored off Lome, Togo on 31 July 2016. Documents submitted to Togolese authorities showed that the name is YELE, flagged to Sierra Leone. Inspection was carried out by Togo on 3 August 2016, following which the vessel was denied further port access and requested to leave Togolese waters. Possible presence in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire in October 2016. Vessel called in to Port Harcourt in Nigeria, using the name HAI LUNG, and subsequently Lagos, where it was apprehended in September 2017. It was reported by vessel representatives that it was underway to India for scrapping and was calling in to Nigeria for bunkers and spare parts. In contradiction with the latter, the vessel sailed to Liberia in March 2018, where it was subsequently apprehended. The vessel departed Liberia in May 2018 with destination Freetown, Sierra Leone. In June 2018, the vessel departed Freetown, and later in July called Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire. Upon departure from Abidjan in October 2018, AIS indicates that the vessel is now named JINZHANG also reporting Equatorial Guinea flag. Confirmed at anchor in Freetown September 2019. Vessel reported still in Freetown March 2020.
Fishing Vessel
866.000, 566.000
Vigo, Barreras S.A., Hijos De J., Spain
Rptd Sold Undisclosed Interest
In Service/commission

Commercial History

Name History

From To Name
2012-09-01 2018-04-16 F/V YELE, YELE
2018-10-24 JINZHANG
2018-04-16 2018-10-24 HAI LUNG
2012-02 2012-09 RAY
2011-03-20 2012-02 KILY
2008-10 2011-03-20 CONSTANT
2005-10-01 2008-10 TROPIC
2005-10-01 ISLA GRACIOSA

Flag History

From To Flag
2018-10-24 2022-05 Equatorial Guinea
2012-06 2018-04-16 Sierra Leone
2012-02 2012-06 Belize
2005-10-01 2008-12-03 Equatorial Guinea
2000-01 2000-01-31 South Africa
2000-01 Spain

Owner History

From To Owner
2013-09 2018-03-05 Salkor Ventures Ltd
2018-03-05 2022-01-05 Rptd Sold Undisclosed Interest
2012-02-29 2012-09 Belfast Global SA
2012-02-29 Sigurd SA
2008-12-03 2012-01 Vidal Armadores S.A., VIDAL ARMADORES S.A.
2005-10-01 2008-12-03 Pesca Antartida SA
2005 2005-10 Juan A Argibay Perez
2000-01-17 2005 Isla Graciosa (Pty) Ltd
1989 2000-01 Nalanza S.A.
1989 Arniston Fish Processors Pty Ltd

Operator History

From To Operator
2018-03-05 Rptd Sold Undisclosed Interest
2012-09-01 2018-03-05 Etterna Ship Management
2012-02-29 2012-09-01 Belfast Global SA
2006-05-12 2008-12-03 Vidal Armadores S.A., VIDAL ARMADORES S.A.
2005-10-01 2006-05-12 Juan A Argibay Perez
2005-10-01 Isla Graciosa (Pty) Ltd

IRCS History

From To IRCS
2012-09 2018-04-16 9LYRB2
2018-10-24 2022-05-23 3CAF
2018-04-16 PQBT
2012-02 2012-09 V3RB2
2005-01-10 2008-12-03 3CM2191
2005-01-10 ZR6204

National Reg No

From To Reg.No
2018-03-05 2021-03-01 SLMA 144/1/2016
2012-06-01 2012-09-01 011221810
2006-05-12 2008-12-03 EG968999
2006-05-12 CT717

RFMO History

RFMO Status Date listed Reason Delisted Delisted Reason
NAFO IUU Listed 2023-10-11 Cross-listing
CCSBT IUU Listed 2020-22-60 Cross-listing
IOTC IUU Listed 2019-12 Cross-listing
SIOFA IUU Listed 2019 Cross-listing
NEAFC IUU Listed 2014-06-17 Fishing inside Division A (SEAFO) 2012
GFCM IUU Listed 2014-05
SEAFO IUU Listed 2012 Fishing inside Division A
ICCAT IUU Listed 2006-11-03 Cross-listing
CCAMLR IUU Listed 2006-11-03 Fishing inside Division 58.4.3b; 58.4.3b; 58.4.2; 58.4.3b
NEAFC IUU Listed 2006 Cross-listing

* Supporting documentation available on request