Vessel Details - ANNAI VELAMKANNI - Currently Listed

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On 30 August 2022, British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT) authorities boarded and inspected the India flagged vessel ANNAI VELAMKANNI (IND-TN-15-MM-3310). This vessel was not on the IOTC Record of Authorised Vessels at the time and was fishing illegally without a licence within BIOT waters. The vessel did not submit a transit report prior to entry into BIOT waters. The vessel had handlines in the water when boarded and the captain stated they also had longline gear in the water, indicating the location on a chart plotter. The captain admitted to fishing in the area and that they had around 4 tonnes of catch on board. Species identified from a recently landed sample included IOTC managed species and five Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus albacares). This vessel was IOTC IUU listed on 10 May 2023 whilst flagged to India and under ownership of D. WILSON.
Fishing Vessel

Commercial History

Name History

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Flag History

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Owner History

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Operator History

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IRCS History

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National Reg No

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RFMO History

RFMO Status Date listed Reason Delisted Delisted Reason
GFCM IUU Listed 2023-11-10 Cross-listing
NAFO IUU Listed 2023-10-11 Cross-listing
SIOFA IUU Listed 2023-07-11 Cross-listing
CCSBT IUU Listed 2023-07-11 Cross-listing
ICCAT IUU Listed 2023-05-23 Cross-listing
IOTC IUU Listed 2023-05-10 Not on Record of Authorised Vessels (RAV). Fishing in coastal state waters without authorization. Incorrect makings. Contravention of IOTC CMMs (e.g. VMS).
NEAFC IUU Listed 2023-05 Cross-listing

* Supporting documentation available on request