Vessel Details - NORTHERN WARRIOR - Currently Listed

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This vessel was originally Morocco owned and flagged. In April 1998, this vessel transferred ownership to Spain-based company Areapesca, S.A. and flag to Belize. Between the period of June 2000 and May 2010 this vessel was flagged to South Africa, owned by Snoek Wholesalers (Pty) Ltd and operated by Southern Trading Group, whilst named MILLENIUM. This vessel underwent ownership transfer to South Atlantic Fishing NV in May 2010. During this vessels South Atlantic Fishing NV ownership it had a brief 5-month stint flagged to Netherlands Antilles then flagged to Curacao in October 2010 until March 2015. During this period of Curacao flag, sources show this vessel may have had an operating partnership with an IUU listed vessel named SEABULL 22. AIS data shows these vessels fishing cooperatively, using gillnets and trawls, in the South and West Central Pacific Ocean between July-September 2011 and the East Central Atlantic early to mid-2012 after name changing to NORTHERN WARRIOR. This vessel transferred owner to World Ocean Fishing SL and an unknown operator in March 2015. On 22 March 2016, this vessel was detained in Vigo, Spain alongside F/V ANTONY, also owned by World Ocean Fishing SL, over suspected illegal fishing offenses. Both vessels were stateless at the time of detainment. This vessel was added to the CCAMLR IUU list on 28 October 2016 for supporting IUU listed vessels in the CCAMLR Convention Area. In September 2017, whilst IUU listed, this vessel was flagged to Angola and owned, operated and managed by Orkiz Agro-Pecuaria, Pescas, Transportes E Comercio Geral, Limitada.
Northern Warrior
Fishing Vessel, Stern Trawler
Trawl unspecified
Tonnay-Charente, IMC - Tonnay-Charente, France
Orkiz Agro-Pecuaria, Pescas, Transportes E Comercio Geral, Limitada
Orkiz Agro-Pecuaria, Pescas, Transportes E Comercio Geral, Limitada

Commercial History

Name History

From To Name
2000-01-01 2012-01 MILLENNIUM
2000-01-01 SIP 3

Flag History

From To Flag
2017-09-13 Angola
2015-03-11 Unknown
2010-10-01 2015-03-11 Curacao
2010-05-01 2010-10-01 Netherlands Antilles
2000-06-01 2010-05-01 South Africa
1998-04-01 2000-06-01 Belize
1998-04-01 Morocco

Owner History

From To Owner
2017-09-13 Orkiz Agro-Pecuaria, Pescas, Transportes E Comercio Geral, Limitada
2015-03-11 2017-09-13 World Ocean Fishing SL; World Oceans Fishing SL
2010-05-01 2015-03-11 South Atlantic Fishing NV
2000-01-01 2010-05-01 Snoek Wholesalers (Pty) Ltd, Snoek Wholesalers
1998-04-01 2000-01-01 Areapesca, S.A.
1998-04-01 SIP, SIP (Societe Internationale de Peche)

Operator History

From To Operator
2018-12-24 Orkiz Agro-Pecuaria, Pescas, Transportes E Comercio Geral, Limitada
2010-05-01 2015-03-11 South Atlantic Fishing NV
2000-01-01 2010-05-01 Southern Trading Group
1999-11 2000 UNKNOWN
1998-04-01 1999-11 Areapesca, S.A.
1998-04-01 SIP, SIP (Societe Internationale de Peche)

IRCS History

From To IRCS

National Reg No

From To Reg.No

RFMO History

RFMO Status Date listed Reason Delisted Delisted Reason
GFCM IUU Listed 2023-11-10 Cross-listing
NAFO IUU Listed 2023-10-11 Cross-listing
CCSBT IUU Listed 2020-02-26 Cross-listing
IOTC IUU Listed 2019-12 Cross-listing
ICCAT IUU Listed 2019 Cross-listing
SIOFA IUU Listed 2019 Cross-listing
CCAMLR IUU Listed 2016-10-28 Supporting IUU listed vessels
NEAFC IUU Listed 2016-10 Cross-listing
SEAFO IUU Listed 2016 From CCAMLR

* Supporting documentation available on request