Vessel Details - UTHAIWAN - Delisted

Contact us about this vessel


This vessel applied to enter Taiwan port on 12 July 2017 under the name WISDOM SEA REEFER and Honduras flag. Sources at the time suggested this vessel was involved in illegal transhipment with 4 Djibouti flagged fishing vessels and potentially 2 other vessels all fishing under an illegal Puntland State license in Somali waters. This vessel entered Taiwan waters but fled before physical inspection could take place at port. Hence an at sea inspection occurred, finding multiple irregularities with transhipment documents and recorded catch tonnage of transhipments. This vessel was included in the IOTC IUU list in May 2018 as a result. Honduras fined this vessel $50,000 due to its IOTC IUU listing. Vessel held Honduras, Bolivia, Moldova and an unknown flag under the names RENOWN REEFER, HONOR and UTHAIWAN from the time of IUU listing until September 2019. Thai authorities alongside international agencies arrested this vessel, now named UTHAIWAN, off the coast of Phuket on 25 October 2019. Vessel claimed registry to Cameroon and failed to notify Thai authorities before entering Thai waters. As of November 2019, it was reported in IOTC Circular 2019-48 that this vessel is still registered to Honduras, as a result of a prohibition of deletion from the Registry resulting from non-payment of a fine. Honduras also informed Thailand the vessel has no navigation permit to set sail. P.K Shipping and Agency., Ltd, the master of this vessel and the managing director of P.K. Shipping and Agency Co., Ltd paid a 1 million baht fine to Thai authorities in October 2019. IOTC delisted this vessel in March 2021. Sources suggest this vessel currently holds Mongolia registry.
Groningen, Netherlands
PK Shipping & Agency Co Ltd
PK Shipping & Agency Co Ltd
China / Taiwan Strait
Broken Up

Commercial History

Name History

From To Name
2019-09-11 UTHAIWAN
2018-07-09 2019-09-11 HONOR
2017-12-01 2018-07-09 RENOWN REEFER
2017-03 2017-12-01 WISDOM SEA REEFER
2015-09 2017-03 CHAICHAROEN
2012-06 2015-09 NEW SEA REEFER
2004 2012-06 RAIATEA
1992 2004 DAKOTA
1990 1992 JAN MAYEN

Flag History

From To Flag
2020-01 Mongolia
2019-09-11 Cameroon
2018-08-14 Unknown
2018-05 Moldova
2017-12-01 Bolivia
2017-03 2017-12-01 Honduras
2015 2017-03 Unknown
2012-06 2015 Honduras
1992-01 2012-06 Cyprus
1992-01 Netherlands Antilles

Owner History

From To Owner
2020-08-10 PK Shipping & Agency Co Ltd
2018-07-09 2020-08-10 Marine Honor SA
2012-06 2018-07-09 Brilliant Reefer Line SA
2012-06 Mar Rise Shipping Co

Operator History

From To Operator
2020-08-10 PK Shipping & Agency Co Ltd
2018-07-09 2020-08-10 Marine Honor SA
2017 2018-07-09 Virgin Fishing Company
2015-09-03 2017 Wisdom Sea Reefer Line SA
2012-06 2015-09-03 Chainavee Coldstorage Co Ltd
2012-06 Thien & Heyenga Bereederungs- und Befrachtungsgesellschaft mbH

IRCS History

From To IRCS
2020-08-24 JVJT7
2019-09-11 TJMC52
2018-07-09 2019-08-05 ER2687
2017-12-01 CPB3048
2017-04-03 2017-12-01 HQXQ4
2016-08-15 HQXM3

National Reg No

From To Reg.No
2020-08-24 47912077
2018-07-09 2019-08-05 MD-M-18-1011
2017-12-01 69 17 2 5 1082
2017-12-01 L-2638505

RFMO History

RFMO Status Date listed Reason Delisted Delisted Reason
SIOFA IUU Listed 2020 Cross-listing
ICCAT Delisted 2018-06-06 Cross listing 2021-03-05
IOTC Delisted 2018-05 Contravention of IOTC Resolution 17/03 2021

Last position

Last observed: 2025-03-03

* Supporting documentation available on request